Investment/Recreational Property Week 8 in Apsley Ontario

Fall is coming in with the quickness I hope winter does not have. It was noticeable the creek was low again upon arrival. Below is this weeks picture and last weeks picture. Notice the ladder. I would estimate at least a foot lower.
I worked on Saturday afternoon but I was still able to get a few projects done on Saturday and Sunday morning.
I finally finished trimming out the pine stairs. I still need to sand the stairs and varnish. I may be able to get up to the property and complete this week.

An issue that has been an issue well before we purchased the property was the sink was leaking.

The drain bowl was completely rotten. I purchased a kit at Kingdon Lumber in Lakefield for $5.50 and replaced the bowl.

Susan hated the faucet so while I was in the plumbing business I changed the taps as well.

Susan with her helpers put together the shelving under the sink.

Susan took some time and rearranged the furniture. I think this room is really enjoyable now to read and relax.

The last room in the cottage/home is this one on the upper level. Once this room is complete it will serve as a toy room for the kids.

As I said, fall is coming quickly. The trees are starting to change colours but not quite there yet. I would bet that next weekend will be the full fall colours. Come up for a drive, it will be beautiful.



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