New name will be voted on tonight!

The “Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield” shall be changed to the
“Township of Selwyn”. Bylaw 2013-006 and it will be voted on at tonight's council meeting.

As of January 16th all calls, documents, corespondents will be using the new township name. A branding strategy is in place to create a new logo, establish  an online presence and a brand. Public engagement will be done through out the process.

Wedesign has been hired to help come up with a proper logo along with a professional designer. It is expected that 2 or 3 logo options will be brought to Council to choose from. The logo will also include a tag line or motto.

The new domain name for the township will be

Once the branding strategy is complete, residents will see new signage and vehicle decals on township property.

The township plans to pay for the Branding Strategy and Online Presence through a OMPF fund.

The bylaw will read as follows:

The Corporation of the Township of


By-law Number 2013-006

Being a By-law to Change the name of the Township of Smith-Ennismore-

Lakefield to the Township of Selwyn

th day of January, A.D., 2013.

Section 187 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, permits a

municipality to change its name;


the Federal postal service (Canada Post) is changing the

address requirements in our municipality to reflect the Township’s name and civic

address for their mail delivery;


this would mean that the present addressing would change

from Peterborough to Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield;


there is no other municipality with the name Township of



the Council of the Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield

hereby enacts as follows:

1. The “Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield” shall be changed to the

“Township of Selwyn”.

2. Staff are directed to send a copy of this by-law to the Director of Titles

appointed under the Land Titles Act and to the Minister promptly after its


3. Staff are directed to make all necessary changes to implement the name


Read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 15

th day of January

A.D., 2013.


Mayor Mary Smith


Angela Chittick, Clerk



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