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12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety brought to you by OAFC

- Water fresh trees daily - Keep
the base of the trunk in water at all times and keep your tree away from
any ignition sources.
- Check all sets of lights
before decorating -Check the cords closely. Discard any sets that are
frayed or damaged.
- Make sure you have working smoke
alarms - Test your smoke alarms and replace them if they are over 10
years old.
- Make sure you have working carbon
monoxide alarms - Replace any carbon monoxide alarms over seven years old.
- Make sure everyone knows how to
get out safely if a fire occurs - Develop and practice a home fire escape
plan with all members of the household.
- Use extension cords wisely - Make
sure cords never go under rugs as this can cause damage to the cord and
cause a fire.
- Give space heaters space - If you
are using space heaters, remember to keep them at least 3 feet away from
anything that can burn.
- When you go out, blow out! - Blow
out candles before leaving or going to bed. Keep lit candles away from
children, pets and anything that can burn.
- Keep matches and lighters out of
the sight and reach of children - Matches and lighters can be deadly in
the hands of children.
- Watch what you heat! - Always
stay in the kitchen when cooking; especially if using oil or high
- Encourage smokers to smoke
outside - If you do allow smoking indoors use large, deep ashtrays that
can't be knocked over and make sure cigarette butts are properly
- There's more to
responsible drinking than taking a cab home - Keep a close eye
on anyone attempting to cook or smoke while under the influence.
For more information on fire safety and
tips for over the holidays, visit the Ontario
Association of Fire Chiefs website.
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