The Ennismore Journal:Peterborough County Announces repairs, Green Bins at the end of the Causeway has to GO!

Peterborough County Released this statement:
Notice of Construction – James A. Gifford Causeway & Gannon’s Narrows Causeway
The County of Peterborough will be conducting repairs to the embankments of the James A. Gifford Causeway and the Gannon’s Narrows Causeway, with repairs to commence during the week of June 25, 2018. The repairs are anticipated to extend for a period of up to 4 weeks.
Both of the Causeway’s were subjected to extreme weather conditions during the wind storm event of May 4, 2018, that resulted in erosion of the embankments above the waterline of the adjacent waterways.
Both of the Causeway’s were subjected to extreme weather conditions during the wind storm event of May 4, 2018, that resulted in erosion of the embankments above the waterline of the adjacent waterways.
Repairs will involve excavation of the embankment above the waterline, benching of the area of damage and installation of large rip rap rock rubble in order to restore the embankments of the roadways.
The areas to be repaired will be designated as construction zones for the duration of the repairs and public access will be restricted during this period.
Due to the nature of the work, the roadways will be subject to daily single traffic lane restrictions with both traffic lanes planned to be reopened to all traffic at the end of each day.
Please note that the timelines are approximate and will vary dependent upon weather and other factors. We apologize for any inconvenience during construction and thank you for your patience.
Please contact the undersigned for any additional information:
Peter Nielsen, C.E.T.
Manager, Engineering & Design
County of Peterborough, Public Works
705-778-2737 x3200
Manager, Engineering & Design
County of Peterborough, Public Works
705-778-2737 x3200
Mike Ulozas, P. Eng.
Project Engineer
BT Engineering
Project Engineer
BT Engineering

On the subject of the causeway………
The green donation bins at the end of the causeway on the Ennismore side are just out of control. I know that Pine Grove Park is upset about it and complained to these people many times. Time to have them shipped away.

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